City of Lake Charles | City of Lake Charles website
City of Lake Charles | City of Lake Charles website
As Mardi Gras approaches, the City of Lake Charles is taking measures to ensure the safety and smooth flow of traffic during the festivities. Public Works personnel, along with local law enforcement agencies, will be placing barricades along the Ryan Street parade route, starting on Thursday, February 8, 2024.
According to Ordinance 16489, street parking will be prohibited during special events or parade routes. Signs will be posted to identify the "no parking" areas. Any vehicles found in violation may be removed or impounded, and the owner/operator may face citations and fines.
The barricades will be placed along Ryan Street from Pryce to Clarence Streets, starting at 8 am on Thursday, February 8. Street parking in this area will be closed from February 8 to February 13, following the conclusion of the Krewe of Krewes Parade. In addition, barricades will also be placed along the Ryan Street parade route from Clarence Street south to Sale Road on Friday, February 9.
During the parade days, traffic along Ryan Street will be limited to one lane in each direction in most areas along the route. However, Ryan Street will remain open to pedestrians and vehicular traffic, and businesses along the route will have access to their locations when parades are not rolling.
Motorists should expect slower moving traffic and heavy pedestrian traffic along Ryan Street from February 9 to February 13.
The City of Lake Charles has also provided a schedule of the parades and events planned for the Mardi Gras holiday. On Tuesday, February 13, the following activities will take place: Second Line Stroll Walking Parade at 1 p.m., Jeeps on Parade at 2:30 p.m., Motor Gras at 3 p.m., and the Krewe of Krewes Parade at 5 p.m.
Local law enforcement agencies will be present to control traffic and assist parade-goers throughout the weekend and holiday events. Street vendors must have the proper occupational permits to serve the public, and law enforcement agencies will be checking for appropriate permits along the parade route.
To maintain cleanliness during the parades, property owners along the route can pick up cardboard trash receptacles with plastic liners from City Hall. These receptacles should be placed within the public right of way along the Ryan Street route during the Mardi Gras parades. City Solid Waste personnel will remove the receptacles on Wednesday, February 14.
Port-a-Cans for public use will be available at the Lake Charles Event Center and Lock Park. After the Krewe of Krewes Parade, Ryan Street between Pine Street and Sale Road will be closed to all traffic for approximately two hours as City Public Works crews remove barricades, pick up litter, and sweep the streets.
Law enforcement officials will divert traffic away from Ryan Street with traffic direction at major intersections off the route to assist motorists with egress from the parade route. Motorists are advised to exercise patience when exiting the parade route.