Clay Higgins U.S. House of Representatives from Louisiana's 3rd district | Official U.S. House Headshot
Clay Higgins U.S. House of Representatives from Louisiana's 3rd district | Official U.S. House Headshot
Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) has cast his vote in favor of H.R. 26, known as the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This legislation mandates medical care for infants who survive abortion procedures and enforces criminal penalties for non-compliance. Additionally, it aims to shield women from prosecution if their abortions have been performed.
In a statement regarding his stance on the bill, Congressman Higgins said, “I support life from natural conception to natural death. My voting record of over 8 years is 100% pro-life, and fighting to protect the unborn from the horrors of abortion will remain a priority of my office.”
Congressman Higgins played a role as an original co-sponsor of this legislative measure.